
Friday, May 31, 2019

paper -- essays research papers fc

Embryonic home Cell enquiryWhat if there was a sort to cure previously in-curable diseases with the help of something in the very first stages of adult male life, but thousands upon thousands of lives had to be taken to perfect the use of this material? That is exactly what is happening with embryonic stem cells around the world. Pro-life activists, who originally organized to stop the abortions of unborn fetuses, were most angered with the process of actually destroying an embryo solely for question purposes. However, scientists, such as Dr. Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh, argue that embryonic stem cells are the future of medicine. This is really where, I think, so much of biomedicine is going to be going in the twenty first century, states Yeager. Embryonic stem cells are a new and exciting medical advance that should be researched, but the biomedical applied science of the future is not worth the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives now. Although the actual procedure of retrieving stem cells from embryos is highly complicated and scientific, the ideology is quite simple. The study of stem cells that were taken from human embryos has been around since the early nineties, but until the summer of 1998, a majority of the country had been none the wiser. The countrys non-knowledge of this very promising medical technology whitethorn have been a blessing in disguise. With the story rapidly hitting newsstands and telecasts around the country, pro and anti-research rallies were the top headlines. Literally defined, embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated, or unspecified cells that are unlike any other adult cell(Stem Cells A primer). They are unique because they are totipotent, or have the ability to bound into almost any of the 220 cell types in the human body. Embryonic stem cells are taken from the blastocyst, the name given to the stage of the embryo when it is four to sextette days old. The blastocyst consists of two cell masses the first is an outer wall of cells that are already specified and will grow to become eutherian mammal tissue and membrane. The inner mass, however, is a large group of unspecified stem cells that can be manipulated and eventually used for the treatment of diseases such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and Diabetes. not only do stem cells show promise for cures to these diseases, but also they also offer hope for the sufferers and ... ...for their own rights now or people trash for the future rights of those who have no voice now. Embryonic stem cells are an important part of science today, shedding new light on the coloured secrets of the human body, but the research alone is not worth scientists playing God or thousands of innocent lives being lost. Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchMedical Advance or Moral Surrender?Heather ZinserCommunications 12December 5th, 2001Senior Research PaperHour 4Ms. BollBibliographyStem Cell Research. Online. Available at www.uspoitics.about.com/cs/stemcellresea rchReaves, Jessica. Stem Cell Research Both sides of the debate. Online. Available at http//www.time.com/time/health/ name/0,8599,167254,00.htmlHoly Grail. Online. Available at http//www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,319351-412,00.shtmlStem Cells The Basics. Online. Available at http//www.cbsnews.comStem Cells A Primer. National instal of Health. Online. Available at http//www.nih.gov/news/stemcell/primer.htmLee, Patrick and George, Robert P. Why Killing Embryonic Human Beings is Wrong. Online. Available at http//www.prolifeinfo.org/stemcell028.html

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Discovery of Ardipithecus Kadabba, the Oldest Hominid :: Anthropology Essays Paleontology Papers

The Discovery of Ardipithecus Kadabba, the Oldest HominidDuring an excavation in the middle Awash Region of Ethiopia, Haille- Sellaise unearthed six hominian teeth. These were at first design to be the fossilized teeth of Ardipithecus Ramidus. The teeth have now been determined to be from the late Miocene, and those of Ardipithecus Kadabba. These are the oldest hominid remains found, to date. Upon earlier digs in this region between 1997 and 2000, Haille- Sellasie discovered an earlier tooth and fragments of an arm bone. These remains were first thought to be those belonging to Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba, a backwash of a younger hominid (Science Daily). However, after the further recent teeth discoveries it has been decidedly evident that these belong to Ardipithecus Ramidus. The hominid has enough evidence to be its own species rather than a subspecies of Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba, as earlier thought. This could possibly mean that The new fossils show the most primit ive canines ever found among hominids (Science Daily). Much can be told about the life-style of an animal through the wear and acquired shape of their teeth. In the case of Ardipithecus Kadabba this implicates that this species may be the first divergence from the chimpanzee line. In the apes, the upper canine is continually honed against the lower third premolar to keep it sharp. Human canines lack this function (Sanders). What is gathered from this information is that the teeth of Ardipithecus Kadabba may be that of the oldest known hominids, and the first to set-back off from chimpanzees. Also an implication may be that the newly evolved hominids were living in radically different, less competitive social structure than seen in moderne chimps (Sanders). The sharp canine would probably be used to injure, and in fights between males in hopes to impress females. In todays chimps the fact that Ardipithecus Kadabba (as closely link to chimpanzees as it is) lacks this featu re is an indicator of this. The Ardipithecus Kadabba is thought to be a bipedal hominid. Bipediality involves a large and complex set of anatomical traits and is not a dichotomous character (Haille- Selassie, Suwa, White). The fact that these hominids began to walk on two feet may be attributed to an increasing male role in carrying off spring as advantageously as collecting food.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dream or Scream - Original Writing :: Papers

Dream or Scream - Original Writing The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close a drowsy silence lay over the small houses in Forest Gate. Cars that were usually gleaming stood stale in their and lawns, deprived of their usual car washes. The inhabitants of forest gate lay in their houses in the shade, windows thrown wide open in the hope of acquire a non-existent breeze. I awoke suddenly full of adrenaline, I rose in my bed so fast that I did not see the wall above me, my head hit the wall so hard that it was like I was hit with a hammer over the head. A few seconds later I got up with my face all screwed up in my hands, where I had hit my head on the wall hard. I slowly opened my eyes and so walked over to the mirror, where I looked inside thinking of why I had woken so early, eager for that day to come I had waited a whole century for this scrap to come. I turned left and looked desperately forth of my window. It was like the day was painted all over again, the grass in my backyard sun-bleached with brightness. Whilst I stood there gazing out of the window engaged in deep thought of why my enthusiasm grew within me. As I looked down to the laminated floorboards that were growing lighter as the convulse outside grew paler it had just then hit me that I was going to India for the first time in my life. It was that second that I had reacted and straight away I began to floss my teeth, brush them, and then I jumped into the shower. Around ten minutes later I ran down eagerly to see if anyone was awake, all of a sudden I came to a halt as though being pushed back aggressively, at the sight of what I was seeing, in the room opposite the bottom of the stairs (leading from the third gear floor to the second), my insides burned with flaming fire.

The Analysis Of The Profane And Sacred In John Donnes Poems The Flea

John Donne who is considered to be one of the wittiest poets of the seventeenth century writes the metaphysical poem The Flea and the religious poem Holy Sonnet 14. In both poems, Donne explores the two opposing themes of physical and sacred come in his love poem The Flea, he depicts the speaker as an immoral kind universe who is solely concerned with pleasing himself, where as in his sacred poem Holy Sonnet 14 Donne portrays the speaker as a noble human being because he is anxious to please God. In the book The Divine Poems, writer Helen Gardner supports this fact as she argues, His Maker is more powerfully present to the imaging in his divine poems than any mistress is in his love poems (Pg-2). Overall, it seems that both these poems operate on many different levels as the rhyme scheme in both poems varies from iambic tetrameter and pentameter to the Petrarchan sonnet form. Donne employs wit as well as complex paradoxes, which are symbolic of the strong opposing drives at p lay in his poetry, and abstract conceits to further complicate the subject matter in both his poems. This is evident to the reader as in The Flea Donne presents the notion of carnal love with religious expressions, where as in Holy Sonnet 14 he depicts the notion of divine love through sexual expressions. Hence, Donne does an excellent job in revealing the fact that in The Flea, the speaker appears to be arrogant, selfish, and disrespectful towards women. He is self absorbed and only cares about fulfilling his sexual fancy, while the speaker in Holy Sonnet 14 comes across as a humble human being, who is worried about pleasing God.John Donne deliberately makes his metaphysical love poem The Flea light-hearted by using humour t... ... pure is when God takes him hostage and rapes him.Therefore, in the sacred poem Holy Sonnet 14, the speaker seems to be too concerned with pleasing God, which is why he addresses him so passionately and sincerely. In Holy Sonnet 14 the speaker come s across as completely sacred and devoted to God, which suggests that devotional love is deeper as well as more meaningful than earthly love because the speaker possesses positive traits as he is self-denying and only concerned about pleasing God. Where as the speaker in The Flea, seems to possess negative traits as he appears to be extremely inconsiderate and selfish. BibliographyAlvarez, A. The discipline of Donne.New York Pantheon Books, 1961.Gardner, Helen. The Divine PoemsLondon Oxford University Press, 1978.Novarr, David. The Disinterred Muse.London Cornell University Press, 1980.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Encounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death Essay examples -- Mas

Encounters with expiration in The masquerade costume of departure Death After reading Edgar Allan Poes The masquerade costume of Red Death (317-22), the reader can further conclude that wipeout is the national once again in another thrilling horror tale. Other critics such as Patricia H. Wheat, view this tale as a battle mingled with life and death (51-56). Yet, Leonard Cassuto brings an interesting theory to this tale--According to the fabricators avow account, no one survives the Red Death. The only one who(lives) is Death. The narrator must be death himself (317-20). Reflecting backwards to the various critical analogies on tone, character, and allegory on The Masque of Red Death a certain font of this work has yet to be defined. The arouse that devastated a whole countryside could only be described. Could it be that Poe uses this fiction to chronicle his own encounters with death in his own life? To better visualize this viewpoint a short summary is incor porated The Red Death had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. blood line was its Avatar and its seal-the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the frame and especially upon the face of the dupe was the pest ban, which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow men. And the whole seizure, progress, and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour (Poe 317-22). In this passage Poe describes a plague that death uses to take its victims. The horrific manner in which the disease appears -- bleeding at the pores, sharp pains, and seizures--can be related back to episodes in... ...Tales of Mystery and Imagination Norwalk heritage P.,1969. 317-322. Starret, Vincent. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Norwalk Heritage P., 1969. Intro. Wheat, Patricia H. The Masque of Indif ference in The Masque of Red Death. Stud in brief Fiction, 19(1982), 51-56. Works Consulted Alton, Laura. Masque of Red Allegory. 30 Oct.,1999. <http//www.neo.Irun.com/12stark/12smith/Netpages/Masque/alton.htm>. Bell, H.H. The Masque of Red Death An Interpretation. South Atlantic Bulletin. 38 (Nov. 1973) 101-105. Dudley, Leonard. The Coy Reaper Unmasque-ing the Red Death. Stud Short Fiction. 30 (1993), 169-73. Silk, Richard D. Poes The Masque of Red Death. Explicator, 47(1989) 24-26. Womack, Martha. Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death. 28 Oct. 1999. <http//www.poedecoder.com/essays/masque/>. Encounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death Essay examples -- MasEncounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death After reading Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death (317-22), the reader can only conclude that death is the theme once again in another thrilling horror tale. Other critics such as Patricia H. Wheat, view this tale as a battle bet ween life and death (51-56). Yet, Leonard Cassuto brings an interesting theory to this tale--According to the narrators own account, no one survives the Red Death. The only one who(lives) is Death. The narrator must be death himself (317-20). Reflecting back to the various critical analogies on tone, character, and allegory on The Masque of Red Death a certain aspect of this work has yet to be defined. The plague that devastated a whole countryside could only be described. Could it be that Poe uses this fiction to chronicle his own encounters with death in his own life? To better understand this viewpoint a short summary is incorporated The Red Death had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal-the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim was the pest ban, which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow men. And the whole seizure, progress, and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour (Poe 317-22). In this passage Poe describes a plague that death uses to take its victims. The horrific manner in which the disease appears -- bleeding at the pores, sharp pains, and seizures--can be related back to episodes in... ...Tales of Mystery and Imagination Norwalk Heritage P.,1969. 317-322. Starret, Vincent. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Norwalk Heritage P., 1969. Intro. Wheat, Patricia H. The Masque of Indifference in The Masque of Red Death. Stud Short Fiction, 19(1982), 51-56. Works Consulted Alton, Laura. Masque of Red Allegory. 30 Oct.,1999. <http//www.neo.Irun.com/12stark/12smith/Netpages/Masque/alton.htm>. Bell, H.H. The Masque of Red Death An Interpretation. South Atlantic Bulletin. 38 (Nov. 1973) 101-105. Dudley, Leonard. The Coy Reaper Unma sque-ing the Red Death. Stud Short Fiction. 30 (1993), 169-73. Silk, Richard D. Poes The Masque of Red Death. Explicator, 47(1989) 24-26. Womack, Martha. Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death. 28 Oct. 1999. <http//www.poedecoder.com/essays/masque/>.

Encounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death Essay examples -- Mas

Encounters with cobblers last in The Masque of cerise Death afterward reading Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of flushed Death (317-22), the reader can only conclude that death is the theme once again in another stimulate horror tale. Other critics such(prenominal) as Patricia H. Wheat, view this tale as a battle between life and death (51-56). Yet, Leonard Cassuto brings an interesting theory to this tale--harmonize to the narrators own account, no genius survives the Red Death. The only one who(lives) is Death. The narrator must be death himself (317-20). Reflecting back to the various critical analogies on tone, character, and parable on The Masque of Red Death a certain aspect of this work has yet to be defined. The plague that devastated a whole countryside could only be described. Could it be that Poe uses this fiction to bill his own encounters with death in his own life? To better understand this viewpoint a short summary is coordinated The Red Death had gigantic devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal-the redness and the horror of blood. There were dandy pains, and sudden dizziness, and then luxurious bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim was the pest ban, which shut him out from the aid and from the kind-heartedness of his fellow men. And the whole seizure, progress, and finale of the disease were the incidents of half an hour (Poe 317-22). In this passage Poe describes a plague that death uses to take its victims. The horrific manner in which the disease appears -- bleeding at the pores, sharp pains, and seizures--can be related back to episodes in... ...Tales of Mystery and Imagination Norwalk Heritage P.,1969. 317-322. Starret, Vincent. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Norwalk Heritage P., 1969. Intro. Wheat, Patricia H. The Masque of Indifference in The Masque of Red Death. Stud Short Fiction, 19(1982), 51-56. Works Consulted Alton, Laura. Masque of Red Allegory. 30 Oct.,1999. <http//www.neo.Irun.com/12stark/12smith/Netpages/Masque/alton.htm>. Bell, H.H. The Masque of Red Death An Interpretation. South Atlantic Bulletin. 38 (Nov. 1973) 101-105. Dudley, Leonard. The Coy reaper Un masquerade-ing the Red Death. Stud Short Fiction. 30 (1993), 169-73. Silk, Richard D. Poes The Masque of Red Death. Explicator, 47(1989) 24-26. Womack, Martha. Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death. 28 Oct. 1999. <http//www.poedecoder.com/essays/masque/>. Encounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death Essay examples -- MasEncounters with Death in The Masque of Red Death After reading Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death (317-22), the reader can only conclude that death is the theme once again in another thrilling horror tale. Other critics such as Patricia H. Wheat, view this tale as a battle between life and deat h (51-56). Yet, Leonard Cassuto brings an interesting theory to this tale--According to the narrators own account, no one survives the Red Death. The only one who(lives) is Death. The narrator must be death himself (317-20). Reflecting back to the various critical analogies on tone, character, and allegory on The Masque of Red Death a certain aspect of this work has yet to be defined. The plague that devastated a whole countryside could only be described. Could it be that Poe uses this fiction to chronicle his own encounters with death in his own life? To better understand this viewpoint a short summary is incorporated The Red Death had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avatar and its seal-the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim was t he pest ban, which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow men. And the whole seizure, progress, and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour (Poe 317-22). In this passage Poe describes a plague that death uses to take its victims. The horrific manner in which the disease appears -- bleeding at the pores, sharp pains, and seizures--can be related back to episodes in... ...Tales of Mystery and Imagination Norwalk Heritage P.,1969. 317-322. Starret, Vincent. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Norwalk Heritage P., 1969. Intro. Wheat, Patricia H. The Masque of Indifference in The Masque of Red Death. Stud Short Fiction, 19(1982), 51-56. Works Consulted Alton, Laura. Masque of Red Allegory. 30 Oct.,1999. <http//www.neo.Irun.com/12stark/12smith/Netpages/Masque/alton.htm>. Bell, H.H. The Masque of Red Death An Interpretation. South Atlantic Bulletin. 38 (Nov. 1973) 101-105. Dudley, Leonard. The Coy Reaper Unmasque-ing the Red De ath. Stud Short Fiction. 30 (1993), 169-73. Silk, Richard D. Poes The Masque of Red Death. Explicator, 47(1989) 24-26. Womack, Martha. Edgar Allan Poes The Masque of Red Death. 28 Oct. 1999. <http//www.poedecoder.com/essays/masque/>.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Harriet Ann Jacobs Essay

In the autobiography, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, it tells the story of a female person slave named Harriet Ann Jacobs. Losing her mother and father at such a young age, she experienced firsthand the account of a slave life. She deliberates in great contingent the humiliation, sacrifice, and struggle specific to female slaves of the late nineteenth century. Though she understood the risks involved in publishing an account of her life, she moved forward with the idea and promulgated her story under the pseudonym Linda Brent.Harriet Jacobs was born into sla truly in 1813 in Edenton, North Carolina to Delilah and Elijah. While growing up she enjoyed a relatively well-provided life until she was six years old when her parents died. After the death of her parents, Harriet and her younger brother John were left to be raised by their grandmother, molly Horniblow. Molly was an older woman who was well respected in the slave community, as well as by the slave owners. She was nev er mistreated, and she frequently baked goods for the mickle in her community.Harriet Jacobs gained the knowledge for all of her educational essentials from her first mistress, Margaret Horniblow. She taught Harriet how to read, write, and sew which gave her advantage over the rest of the slaves. It also would attract some unwanted attention. Margaret would later on will Harriet to her twelve year old niece whose father would subject Harriet to hard-hitting and unrelenting sexual harassment. Dr. Flint sexually harassed and physically abused the teenaged Harriet for as long as she was a servant in his phratry.Afraid that one day Dr. Flint would make his antics reality, she began to have an affair with a giving white lawyer named Samuel Tredwell, whom she later on beared two children for. Instead of discouraging Flint, she enraged him. He then sent Harriet away(predicate) to a life of stark labor on a plantation he owned, threatening to break in her young children as field hand s, seeing that they legally belonged to him. She soon ran away from the plantation and spent cardinal years hiding in a tiny noggin crawl space in her grandmothers house.During those seven years she put to use the skills that her first mistress had taught her, and watched over her children through a small chink in the roof. Being cramped in the attic for so long, left her permanently physically disabled. In 1842, Harriet was finally able to escape to the north, and found work as a nanny in the household of a prominent abolitionist writer, Nathaniel Parker Willis. She later on is reunited with her children in New York, and farther down the line her employer purchases her freedom from Dr. Flint.While reading this autobiography you stupefy a feeling that is very unusual. Most slaves that you hear about usually have harsh lives and are extremely unhappy, but in this particular suit it was the complete opposite. Harriets life wasnt hard not one bit. She was never mistreated because h er fathers mistress found her to be very appealing, and she didnt have to do any hard labor. But, she also wasnt allowed her freedom which is what she anxiously longed for. That particular entity is what places everything into perspective.At the end of the day whether she liked it or not, she was still a slave. She could not walk away from her situation, she could not undertake everything that she wanted to do, and she definitely could not enjoy her life to the fullest because she belonged to someone, and that someone was a jealous, aggressive man named Dr. Flint. Harriet Jacobs insisted on telling her story honestly and completely, determined to make white Americans aware of the sexual victimization that slave women commonly faced and to trudge the fact that they often had no choice but to surrender their virtue.Jacobs knew that her contemporaries would see her not as a virtuous woman but as a fallen one, yet she published the story anyway. She wanted to bring light to a situation that slave women faced every day. She was an incredibly grueling woman for doing so, and by directly confronting the cruel realities that plagued African American women in the late nineteenth century, Harriets work occupies a significant place in African American literary tradition.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What I shall be in 30 yearsâۉ„¢ time

In my moments of solitude, I haven often mused about this. What will I be in 30 years? That seems a long focusing ahead but then time does pass by and in a blink of an eye, the years will roll past and I shall be 48. Have I earned a niche in my life? Am I successful in my career? Am I keen in my marriage? How many kids will I have? Sometimes, an image of a hen-pecked husband having to put up with a wife who nags constantly and spends abundantly imposes itself in my mind or I would be successful in the corporate world?Well, if I really made it in my life, then that signals the jumper cable of a pleasurable life. The saying Life begins at 40 is true. I shall sit back and enjoy my life to the fullest. Perhaps I could confess a profitable company and called it L. O. Sdn. Bhd. It coud be even listed on the KL Exchanges Main Board. I may even jet set round the world in my own private jet whether it is solely for business or pleasure e. g one evening in Paris and the next in London.If time permits, I shall go globe trotting, visit some of the Seven Wonders of the world like The Great Wall of China in Beijing, The Pyramid of Egypt, Taj Mahal in India, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Leaning Tower of Paris, Grand Canyon in Arizona and The Colosseum in Rome where I can re-live the days of the gladiators. On the other hand, I could skilful be an average income earner, married with a simple, humble and attractive woman and have 3 children. I shall enjoy the company of a closely-knit, harmonious family.hopefully my children will be well-behaved, disciplined and intelligent. If that is the case, what more can I ask from God? Life would certainly be fulfilling and rewarding. I do not cut exactly what my fate in world in life will be. Perhaps I might remain single, end up as a confirm bachelor. That is possible if I do not meet my watch, Miss Right. I do not think I will feel lone(prenominal) or disappointed. I would rather remain single than marry and later find myself on the verge of a divorce.During my free time I shall be actively involved in charity of socials, volunteer myself in helping the needy, go for activities like fishing, jet skiing, parachuting or some other sports. I could even adopt orphans. As long as I am financially independent and contented with my life, I see no necessity in tying the knot and regretting later. All the images above are but a fragment of the imagination where hopes, dreams and reality are mixed. Hopes are the start of a hopeful and glorious future. Hence, I would cling to them. How can dreams and hopes come true for a person if he does not dream?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Marketing Report Bokomo Foods Essay

1.0. A incubate presenting mart info in order to inform a metric grain company Bokomo Ltd. To consider whether to expand more than in the coupled Kingdom market.2.0 Executive summary.This is a short report, containing marketing data on both the cereal grass market and a specific business, Bokomo UK. The data was obtained from secondary marketing research. Bokomos website was one of the of import reference guide. With the findings and compend, it was recommended that Bokomo should expand their own brand merchandises more in the UK.The PEST analysis of the UK grocery manufacturing included in this report was use to highlight the external factors that can affect Bokomos operation and interpret how these factors willing influence Bokomo.Furthermore, through the market analysis it was found that Kelloggs and Weetabix principal(prenominal)ly lead the cereal industry, followed by Nestle and Jordans. These companies subscribe to a wide range of brands object lensed at oppo site consumers, and they prolong customer loyalty, which can make it harder for newer companies to enter this sector. As mentioned before, in the cereal market there argon a sizable variety of targeted consumers like children, women, and families. The main key trends in the market are convenient snacks and consciousness towards health. Apart from that, own brand labels are overly gaining popularity as they project consumers the same product at a cheaper price.SWOT analysis allowed us to devise the companys internal analysis. Strengths included their well-know reputation and customers such(prenominal) as large food retailers (Tescos), to which they sell manufacture and packaging services. Weaknesses consist of the negative aspects the company faces, including their not household name, and general negative publicity they face in this difficult sector. Opportunities were devised from the friendly factors from the PEST analysis as changes in consumer tastes and trends are opportu nities were this company can benefit from by meeting those needs. These were alsoan important part of the report as it affected the final recommendations for the company. Threats included the financial recession and increasing levels of immigration.Bokomo Foods is a major cereal producer in the United Kingdom, established or so 80 years ago. Despite not being a household name, is a UK leading cereal maker and the company has achieved diversity by producing a range of own-label products. Furthermore, they manufacture branded products for large companies, as well as branded packaging services like Bag in Box, Pot or Pouch. All of these services are for leading retailers such as Tescos, Sainsburys and Morrisons, among many early(a)s.3.0 Introduction + Aim.This is a report whose engender is to present market data in order to inform Bokomo plc. a cereal company, whether further expansion in the UK market is beneficial at this beat. The report will identify and decompose the current business agency, using SWOT analysis, and review the macro scotch perspective of the general UK grocery industry using PEST analysis. The SWOT analysis will help us examine the specific company factors, as it is essential to understand these in order to relate them back to the PEST and market trends. two internal and external factors affect how Bokomo will proceed now and in the future.4.0 The grocery market environment PEST analysis4.1 PoliticalPolitical factors put one over a great influence on the analysis of external factors since they are determined by the degree of g everywherenment intervention in the economy. The political situation in the UK is stable. Her Majestys Government, led by Prime Minister David Cameron of the Conservative Party, is mainly concerned about the financial crisis affecting economies all over the world and to strengthen the economic position of UK globally. Through employment legislations, the government encourages retailers to provide a mix of jo b opportunities from flexible, lower-paid and locally-based jobs tohighly-skilled, higher-paid and centrally-located jobs (Balchin, 1994).Migration has a large impact on the grocery industry, as it provides new customers, as well as opportunities for supermarkets to cater to the different culinary cultures of immigrants. Migration also leads to a change in size of stab pool, which could have an effect on the availability of workers. Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show some 503,000 people came to live in the UK in the year final stage June 2013, compared with 517,000 people the previous year (ONS.gov, 2013).4.2 EconomicEconomic factors are important to consider in regard to the UK grocery market, as they are highly potent to demand, costs, prices, and profit. One of the near influential factors on the economy is high unemployment level, which decreases the effective demand for many goods, adversely affecting the demand required to produce such goods. Unemp loyment in the UK is at 7.1% as of January 2014, according to BBC. Another highly relevant economic factor is the grocery market size and the market maturation. IGD prognosis that the UK grocery market value will be worth 205.9bn in 2018, a 21.3% growing on 2013 (IGD.com, 2013). This is beneficial news to Bokomo, since any expansion would be possible in regard to the availability of area in the market to expand. Another market characteristic of importance is the amount of spending on groceries in regard to overall retail expenditure in the UK. The grocery markets share accounts for 54.9p in every 1 of UK retail spending (IGD.com, 2013).4.3 kindlyAccording to Askew (2013) cut-rate sales in the cereal industry have been under pressure in these past years, especially due to the ever-changing social trends and habits of consumers. Even though sales in this market have been stable, growth has been slow. Traditional breakfast habits have changed and people consume fewer cereals because of a busier lifestyle. overly increasing number of consumers skip breakfast. An increase in female workers has also had an impact on this, which is why competition for convenient options is growingmore all(prenominal) time. An increasing number of people now look for easy and quick preferences to sitting down and eating.However, they expect to receive the same nutrients and healthy benefits with these convenient options. A growing number of women now get special attention to what they are eating, checking the labeling, nutritional information and ingredients of each product. Increasingly, women have a greater concern with their lean and healthy eating.Lately, the demand for childrens cereals has declined because of the refined sugar content it has. Cereal companies use marketing to their advantage and attract kids with unhealthy products. Their main source has been television adverts and most of the cereals for children have high sugar content with low nutritional value, a fac t of which more parents are aware.Apart from consumer concerns about health, they are also bonny more aware of the environment. In this specific market, many cereal companies now fit their water use, energy use, waste produced, etc. Most of them also catch up with close attention to the packaging of the product, like using recycled packaging.Another social factor that affects the grocery market in general is the diverse culture in UK. There are so many people with different cultures that do not choose cereals as their first choice for breakfast instead they have their own eating habits. Therefore, it is important for the producers in the grocery market to understand the needs of the entire population and meet them.Furthermore, supermarket own-brand products have gained a lot of popularity because of the economic downturn. As consumers have limited spending power, they prefer spending on a cheaper product that allows them to get the same benefits.4.4 TechnologicalIn the present e xpert age, everyone, from personal to professionalinteraction, is highly reliant on technology. Therefore, technological advances are important for the development and maintenance of business culture. Advances in technology have allowed the grocery industry to grow. An excellent example is the demise of Blockbuster, who was reluctant to explore online options, and their consequent refusal to buy Netflix and to adapt to changing trends lead to their bankruptcy and final closure on January 14, 2014. Online grocery shopping holds 11% of the distribution channels of the UK grocery market and predictions suggest online sales in the US will grow by 15% in 2014 to 189.3 billion, while in Europe, sales are expected to rise by 18% to 131.2 billion.Online shopping has helped people spend their day more expeditiously and reduced the effort of having to carry heavy grocery bags. Technological advances at the supermarket has contributed to more efficient customer service and stocking efforts. Th e adoption of Electronic Point of sales agreement (EPoS), Electronic Funds Transfer Systems (EFTPoS) and electronic scanners have greatly improved the efficiency of distribution and stocking activities, with needs being communicated almost in real time to the supplier (Finch, 2004). Devices such as the self-checkout machine and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) have permitted the grocery industry to grow and accommodate customers in an effective way.5.0 definition of product specific market5.1 Main competitorsThe leading cereal brands and the biggest competitors of Bokomo cereals in the UK are Kelloggs and Weetabix, reported Companies&Markets (2013). Kelloggs arrived in the UK in 1922 and since then has retained its position in the market, by focusing on innovation and expansion of their products. In 2012, it had 32% of value share, leading in the UK cereal market religious projecting a wide range of products. Over the years, Kelloggs has expanded to over 180 countries in t he world and has around 39 brands of cereals.Weetabix, on the other hand, was launched in 1932 it has been along-standing brand and has fought its competitors to stay in this position in the UK. Weetabix has also introduced many different brands and has been innovating to adapt to consumer preferences over the years.Also Jordans, a breakfast cereal company based in Bedfordshire, founded in 1855. Although, the company produced its first cereal in 1981 called Original Crunchy, it was in the years between 2000 and 2005 when it faced rapid growth and became one of the largest cereal brands in the UK. Its great focus over the years has been on the packaging, to make it stand out in grocery stores and it is also known to be included in the healthy, natural cereal segment Moreover, Nestle formed in 1990. It was launched as a joint venture between commonplace Mills and Nestle S.A. and named Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW). They offer the traditional cereals, as well as a range of brands in cluding the world-known Cheerios.5.2 Targeted consumersCereal companies target many different kinds of people, although the easiest group of people to target has been children. BMSG (2013) stated they do it through advertisements on television, and somehow try to grab their attention by creating colourful, animated images and providing gifts in the cereal box each time.Another group targeted in this sector are the women because of their increasing concern for health and weight loss. Along with the children, women also form a big part of the consumers of this market. Nowadays, there are so many brands that have launched low-fat cereals and cereal bars also. Some also provide some advice, tips and dietary plans, Nytimes name (2010). Generally, families in the UK are also targeted consumers because some families still sit and have their meals together and believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Apart from that, families are more concerned with what they are eatin g, especially make sure that the smaller ones eat healthy (Marketingmagazine(2010) Unlike maybe some students at university who would not pay so much attention to their breakfast, particularly not on a daily basis.5.3 Key trends in the cereal marketMarketingmagazine (2008) stated A wage hike key trend in the cereal industry is the quick and convenient good to go snacks, like cereal bars. Cereal bars have gained a lot of popularity among a wide range of audience in recent years because people not having time for breakfast. Due to this reason, there has been a probatory decline in the sales of the cereal market. Companies have been mostly focusing on this convenient aspect of the market so that people dont just skip breakfast entirely and their business doesnt face a loss. As health also plays a crucial role in this market and recently people are more conscious about what they are putting in their body, convenient snacks are the best option as they cover both points.Nowadays, good to go snacks are not just used for breakfast but also during the entire day as an alternative to other unhealthy snacks. As a result of the sudden popularity of these snacks, now there are a great variety of them in different formats. On the other hand, the popularity of own branded labels is growing in the grocery market. It saves consumers a significant amount of money and they offer a similar or reform quality product. It has resulted in a much higher level of competition in the market.5.4 SWOT AnalysisBokomo website (2014)5.4.1 StrengthsBokomo is UKs leading cereal maker this is a major strength as they have established a firm position in the British cereal market. They operate in various markets wrong the cereal industry, providing food manufacture, retailing and catering. Bokomo can provide tasty, fresh cereal products any business is looking for, at a very competitive and cost-efficient price. British company (although owned by South Africas Pioneer Foods) with substantial manufacturing plants in Wellingborough and Peterborough. This squiffys Bokomo has the resources and specialist expertise to offer funny flexible manufacturing and packaging services. Companies needing a brand-newbreakfast cereal raced through New Product Development (NPD) or an innovative production line order up in record time can contact Bokomo. This makes them have an advantage as nowadays there are many organisations looking for branded cereal products. Bokomo is a world-class player, and in order to maintain that status they need world-class facilities. They have two factories in the UK, specifically in Wellingborough and Peterborough.These factories offer them a cutting-edge manufacturing plant, in other words, the latest, high quality, reliable and sustainable facilities. This leads to the production of high quality products. Food standards are also controlled and supported by SAP business information software, which makes customers feel more confident and secure with the products and services Bokomo delivers. Bokomos experts in the management team and the companys aim of constantly innovating and removing old production facilities has helped them produce large quantities of high quality products very efficiently and to the shortest imaginable lead-times.Their customers know Bokomo as a business that main objectives is to offer high quality products. This has been maintained by using high quality ingredients and top experts in recipe formulation. They are one of only 2 manufactures that produce wheat biscuits in the Northern hemisphere enabled them to have the largest control and knowledge of this production process. Even if Bokomo UK is based in the United Kingdom, they have also diversified. Geographic market diversification has enabled them to sell in many countries around Europe, Scandinavia and even as far as the United States of America or the United Arab Emirates5.4.2 WeaknessesBokomo stated youve possibly never heard of us this means that i ndividual customers do not know them as their own branded products is very niche, and they are more specialized in producing in a business to business way. This is a very common weakness for companies that operate Behind the Brand. Constant changing of consumers tastes (opting for cereal bars, instant porridge or other breakfast solutions) can be considered a weakness, as its difficult and overpriced to innovate and keep up to meet their needs. Difficulties to compete with well known brands cerealsproducts such as Corn Flakes, Crunchy Nut, Special K. Have to create a delicious product that attracts customers quickly and expensive to implement the R&D and marketing. On the other hand it can also be considered and opportunity. Negative publicity to which ready-to-eat cereals have been subjected due to their high sugar content5.4.3 OpportunitiesSocial trends are important opportunities for Bokomo. Customers aiming towards healthy living or any other lifestyle changes means there is a n opportunity towards which research and operate in. They have achieved and been keeping up to date with this as they have many products related to this trend. Great health benefits, such as products enabling the final consumer to control cholesterol levels. Multi-grain flake is another trend and potential opportunity for Bokomo. Consumers are changing their tastes towards healthier goods, and leaving behind old-fashioned sugary confections. Consumers are also increasingly purchasing Branflakes as they are considered to be great for supporting a healthy digestive system. Another trend busier schedules, people are increasingly feeling they have no time to spend on having breakfast and snacks. Bokomo muesli is available to cater for the increasing demand for breakfast on the go.They offer them in bags and boxes, which facilitates the final customer to transport to their work place. This is an example of an opportunity for Bokomo because if they keep-up to date with trends, they will b ecome more efficient and desirable for large retailers to procure their products, and everyone will benefit form the sales. UK retailers are also focusing on added-value products Add value by introducing natural minerals and vitamins into whole grain wheat and making the final product more healthy and nutritional. Own-label share of the business mix for large supermarket retailers. It is a main direction for Bokomo to go towards to as they can increase considerably their business operations, as the focus is now towards manufacturing own-label and branded products.Bokomo has realized the immense potential for expansion as the large retailers keep increasing the sale of this type of good. One-stop shopping, or shopping in large supermarkets were customers can find any type of product in the same building has beenbeneficial for Bokomo as these businesses are their main clients. If they increase their sales, Bokomo will also benefit from this, as they will sell them more and so increas e revenue will mean increase levels of profitability.5.4.4 ThreatsThe cereal industry offers products which are considered to be relatively expensive, which can be easily replaced with simpler breakfast choices such as bread. The financial recession has been a main factor for the decrease in expenditure, specially concerning families, as there are other much cheaper products to replace the cereals and cereal bars. High unemployment has made a substantial impact on the demand for such goods, adversely affecting the demand required to product those goods. Increasing levels of immigration specially in the UK, has meant that they do not have the same culinary cultures and so those breakfast products will not satisfy the needs and wants of everyone.5.0 RecommendationsWith the above analysis it is better for the company to target smaller retailers where their own labeled products wont be affected by competitive brands like Kelloggs, and when they achieve this they should concentrate more on develop their own branded products around the UK. As mentioned above in the SWOT analysis, cereal products are considered to be expensive due to the added value implemented on them so it would be better to decrease these levels of adding value and start off with lower prices, in recession periods.6.0 LimitationsBokomo website allowed us to obtain up-to-date and official information and statistics of the company. The information was limited because the company sold themselves and emphasized on its positive aspects because they have to promote their brand to the consumers. A part from this we also used other sources including, online phrases about food industry, which helped us, get an un-biased view of the company and the cereal market as a whole. Thedrawback of using other sources or secondary research was that the methods used were unknown so we examined the most official and valid sources.7.0 ReferencesAskew, K. 2013. Breakfast cereal Are cereal sales going soggy? Online Avai lable at http//www.just-food.com/analysis/are-cereal-sales-in-developed-markets-going-soggy_id123417.aspx Bainbridge, J. 2010. Sector insight Breakfast cereals Marketing Magazine. Online Available at http//www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/990662/sector-insight-breakfast-cereals Bainbridge, J. 2008. Sector Insight Cereal bars Marketing Magazine. Online Available at http//www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/817580/sector-insight-cereal-bars Balchin, A. (1994) Part-time Workers in the Multiple Retail Sector Small Change from Employment Protection Legislation? Employee Relations, Vol. 16 Iss 7, pp.43 57 BBC News. 2014. UK unemployment rate drops to 7.1%. Online Available at http//www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25841570 BERKELEY, C. 2013. Cereal companies leverage online marketing to target children with sugary products Berkeley Media Studies Group. Online Available at http//www.bmsg.org/newsroom/news-releases/cereal-companies-leverage-online-marketing-to-target-children-with-sugary- products Bodimeade, M. 2013. UK breakfast cereals market dominated by Kelloggs and Weetabix. Online Available at http//www.companiesandmarkets.com/News/Food-and-Drink/UK-breakfast-cereals-market-dominated-by-Kelloggs-and-Weetabix/NI6602 Bokomo.co.uk. n.d. About Bokomo. Online Available at http//bokomo.co.uk/about Business News Daily (November 22, 2013) PEST Analysis Definition and Examples, Available at http//www.businessnewsdaily.com/5512-pest-analysis-definition-examples-templates.html Euromonitor.com. 2013. Breakfast Cereals in the United Kingdom. Online Available at http//www.euromonitor.com/breakfast-cereals-in-the-united-kingdom/report Igd.com. 2013. UK Grocery Retailing. Online Available at http//www.igd.com/our-expertise/Retail/retail-outlook/3371/UK-Grocery-Retailing/ Internetretailing.net (March 18, 2014) UK retailers expected to make

Friday, May 24, 2019

ï»Â¿Ãƒ¢Ã¢‚¬Ã‚The Knife Sharpenerâ€Â by Bonnie Burnard Essay

The Knife Sharpener a short story written by Bonnie Burnard. This story is very interesting you never know that the wound sharpener will appear as a bad person because he appeared as a good old human who just borrowed a knives to sharpening and said Maybe youve heard from your neighbours. I come around every March. Do mowers as well as he was offering to do he mower for her in the beginning. Janet is a mother of three children. She do all the work in the house since her kids are still young to do some of the house work. Erin is six years old eldest child of Janet. The Knife Sharpener is an old man who sharpen knives and do mowers. The story happened in Janets place. The story happened during the day. The incident started happening when the dig sharpener took Erins hand and brought her somewhere. The story gets more intense when Janet starts panicking and unyielding to go after Erin and look for her.Janet saw Erins scarf on the ground stuccoed corner of a garage twenty dollar bill yard ahead. Janet saw the knife sharpener talking to Erin in a gentle old mans voice and Janet took Erins hand and questioned the knife sharpener. The knife sharpener said Please fag outt call the police. The knife Sharpener by Bonnie Burnard is about the family, intense and it tells us not to trust any stranger and reveals the certain constitution of some stranger when the old man took Erin away from her home. Why Janet didnt call the police? And Why Janet having thoughts whether shes going to tell about it to her husband or just keep it by herself and not to tell to anyone? The Knife Sharpener might have a bad intension to the family of Janet.The knife sharpener appeared to be a good old man who just a knife to use for sharpening and offered to do their mower so he can go inside the house. He even made Janets feelings comfortable around with him and he suddenly changed his mood when Janet said that her eldest is going to be home soon for lunch. The knife sharpener waited for E rin to go out again and reached her hand and brought Erin somewhere. I think that the knife sharpener will going to do something bad to Erin or kidnap Erin since he took her twenty yards away from her home. There is only two possible thing he will do it is either the knife sharpener will rape Erin or he will kidnap Erin.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Itâۉ„¢s Better to Have Loved Then Lost Than Never Love at All Essay

Alfred, Lord Tennyson once said Tis better to have love and lost than neer to have loved at all, and I agree. I think being in love is a ramify of the journey of life and a very good cause to have, unrivaled would regret for not having go through that. Being in love also makes you a better person, happier and more than passion about life and its angiotensin-converting enzyme of the best feelings anyone heap have. Although losing costs a lot of pain, one can also film from that and substantiate something out of it at the end of relationships and learn upon that. One only gets one chance at life so it should be a life where one can experience every part of the journey. Love is a huge part of that experience. If one never loved then they allow for be lacking(p) one of the biggest journeys of life and would later in their life regret it. Also, if one never experience love one wouldnt know what that is, so they cant decide for themselves if it was worth it for them or not.The m ain character in the long walk to forever, Newt, is an example of mortal who tries very hard to experience this journey. When he first showed up, he wasnt sure that it would turned out how he wanted, but despite that fact he still told Catharine his feelings towards her. He went and talked to her because he doesnt want to regret for not taking any action of what could be one of the best things in his life. In the end, he discovered that she loved him too, a risk worth taking. Being in love changes the way one see things in the world. It makes everything seem nicer, happier and better. Being in love will also makes you want to be a better person, for the happiness they receive they would also try to express it to others as well. One would also do things harder, be more passionate and more energized in everything they do.In the movie genus Benzoin button, after Daisy broke her leg and wouldnt be able to dance, she was crushed. However, when later she and Benjamin fell in love with ea ch other, her ways of seeing life changed dramatically. They were always happy when they were together, and love changed her life and helped Daisy to quickly recover mentally from her accident. Losing someone causes a lot of pain, but there are things that can be learn from it. At the end of each relationship one can learn from their mistakes and change to the better. True love is something that can stand the test of time and even if it was lost there will still happy memories left in your heart. The story The Skating Party shows this perfectly.Although the uncle, Nathan Singleton was engaged with Eunice Lathem, he actually loved her sister Delia Sykes. So when he had to make the choice to save only one of them he chose the one he really loved, Delia Sykes. In the end after Delia moved away with her husband he wasnt all that sad. From this experience, he learned who he really loved and figured out that he couldnt change the fact, so he never got married. He remained alone but matt e he had done what his heart commanded. Its better to love then lose than never love at all.Life is a journey, and love is a big part of it. Being in love change the ways one sees things to be even better and it is one of the best feelings anyone can experience. level off at the end of a relationship there are things that can be learned that would help one to emend. So they can learn from that, improve themselves and be even happier with life. One only gets one chance of life so it should be a life where one experienced every part of the journey, or it will be something they will look back upon and regret for not doing so.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Frankenstein and Lord of the Flies Essay

Frankenstein and original of the go were written in different centuries. Analyse the similarities and discuss the differences which you stand make up in these texts. You should pay particular attention to characterisation, style and theme.Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in the 18th Century. As thither was no cinema or television unattached books were a widely accessible form of entertainment. Particularly fantastical texts wish Dracula and Vathek were popular, books like these were non meant to be horizon of as a delineation of realism, this is why Frankenstein is very unbelievable. Frankenstein is set in a time when new science posed a threat to Christian beliefs, as society started to recollect that man could be created. This wholly seemed very possible in the early 18th Century because Benjamin Franklin had previously invented a lightning conductor and in 1802 Galvani ran a current through a frogs legs and it produced a twitch. The thought of starting life with lightnin g terrified people because of the dangers it appe bed to pose to endanger human life.William Golding published sea captain of the go in 1954, nine years after the end of the Second World War. So in that location were still conflicts passing on between Russia and America, Golding utilize the conceit of continuous war and portrayed it onto the island. The text concerns a group of public school boys getting trapped on an island after their plane crashes they all seduce traditional upbringings and attitudes.Other books, which had previously been written such as Swiss Family Robinson and Coral Island, featured a similar situation simply with a happier ending, these types of books were all very unrealistic and fairytale like. William Golding wrote what he thought would really happen if anyone ever faced this situation. The 2 tribes that develop in Lord of the Flies ( rapscallions and Ralphs) represent Hitler and the Nazis against the allies (America, Great Britain etc). The Itali ans swapped sides during the war as the Nazis became weaker Sam and Eric reflect this as they join whoresons tribe because Ralphs is less popular. two books have many similarities and differences between them. The main similarity is that both books are ab come forth lines of civilisation cosmos at sea revealing the darker sides of peoples characters. The boys in Lord of the Flies are immediately, physically desolate after their plane crashes. Nobody knows w present they are and there are no adults. In Shelleys book, the character Frankenstein chooses to be isolated as his work is more important to him than anything around him.One similarity between the two books are the characters Piggy and the creature. These two characters are both judged by their appearance. Piggy is shorter than the fair boy and very pad. He has asthma and plump downheaded spectacles. The creature has yellow skin and straight black lips, in both cases we mountain immediately regularize that they are phy sically different. Even Frankenstein, the creatures causality dreaded to behold him. They both become isolated and victimised because another(prenominal) people see them as being different this creates a tone of voiceing of kindness towards both characters through egress the books. They in any case both have no parents as Piggys dads on the spur of the moment, and his mum, and the creature saidNo father has watched my infant days, no mother had blessed mewith smiles and caresses.The creature feels sadness and rejection and believes that having parents is important, this is excessively implicit in the case of Piggy, but the creature has never been love by anyone so the feeling of depression is greater. It can be argued however that, in a way the creature has been loved as Frankenstein loved him darn he was creating him. When he is brought to life the love he had previously received from Frankenstein ends.The difference between these two characters is that Piggys cognizance is threatening to the other boys as he has some sensible ideas that the boys do not wish to carry out. He saysWhich is better- to have rules and agree, or to hunt and killing?The boys ignore him as they have already descended into tribalism at this point. Piggys intelligence is threatening because he has a very defined idea of what is right and wrong and he is a very moral person. The creatures intelligence is harmless as he only wishes to oblige in. However, as the creature becomes more sexual he discovered what a wretched outcast he was. He has no idea of what is right and wrong and only wants to fit in. The level of intelligence an individual has, whether it is a lot or a little can still make them isolated from others. From the start of Lord of the Flies we can tell that Piggy wants to fit in by the way he follows Ralph.Ralph disentangled himself cautiously and stole away through thebranches. In a few seconds the fat boys grunts were behind him.He is last to put his hand up to vote for RalphEvery hand outside the choir except Piggys was elevated immediately.He hesitates because although he wants to vote for Ralph he does not want to be the only one who votes for him. He wants to fit in and not be the grotesque one out.It is implicit that Piggy was not very popular at school as They used to call him Piggy. This is why he follows Ralph in the way he does he desperately tries to try and make friends as he feels depressed and sad about his previous school life. He is not very attractive this is a reflection of how people perceive him.There are not just similarities between Piggy and the creature. Frankenstein and Ralph are also similar because although they are in different situations, they both have something they want to achieve. Ralph desperately wants to be rescued from the island. He incessantly tries to keep the fire going as The fire is the main thing, because it is a signal to people to show that they are stranded. Frankensteins aim is to take sci ence a touchstone further by creating new life without using spirit. They are both headstrong and both have will power to achieve what they want to. remote Frankenstein, Ralph sees reality as he acknowledges that if they do not try to get rescued they will die on the island.without the smoke signal well die hereRalph is far more considerate than Frankenstein. Frankenstein does not consider the consequences of his actions and as a result of this he creates a disaster. He does not see reality as he becomes so determined to be the first person to create life. While Frankenstein is preoccupied with creating life, Ralph believes that preserving life is more important.Frankenstein can also be compared to Simon from Lord of the Flies. They are both symbolic of Christ. Simon passed food reduce to outstretched hands and Frankenstein stated thatfood that I had killed, which after taking a gloomy part, I alwayspresented to those who had provided me.They are both kind and considerate and th e way they give to others is much like the same way that Jesus did. Although Frankenstein has been isolated and anti social for a few years he is still amiable. Simon is surrounded by a lot of biblical images all through the book.The way that Simon appreciates the island and nature seems quite strange to the other boys. He is described as cracked and batty. In the same way Frankenstein gets remarks because he enjoys the structure of the human frame. and philosophy. Both Simon and Frankenstein are intransigent as they ignore any comments tackling their views. Frankenstein believes thatA new species would bless me as its creator would owe theirbeing to me.He wants to be hero-worship and idolised for creating life like God. Simon wants to appreciate his surroundings, which God as created. Frankenstein states thatNo father could claim the gratitude of his child so altogetheras I should deserve theirs.He becomes arrogant and his ego begins to swell. He wants to totally change the way i n which humans are brought to life and he becomes insatiably infatuated with this. Simon volitionally accepts the beauty of nature and he sees things differently to other people, like the beast only being a fallen pilot (this shows more clarity of thought than the other boys).Unlike Frankenstein, Simons character is very vague, he is s necessitate known as the boy who fainted towards the beginning of the book. He is also described as a vivid little boy. No one really understands him as he has more maturity to understand things than the other boys, but he does not have the vocabulary to express his views and feelings. Frankensteins character is not constant through the book. At first he is very unorthodox, as he does not consider the views or beliefs of anyone around him. Towards the end of the book he becomes remorseful as he realises that he has created a demoniacal corpse.When Simon died the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall. This is pathetic fallacy as it refl ects what is happening in the story. Simon is seen as God- like, and the storm and heavy rain is like Gods anger against the savage boys sin. It is as if they killed the good on the island and it cannot be justified or tolerated. After he is killed the language used is very calming there was a trickle of water and no noise. This is ethereal, as if Simons body is being taken by angels up to heaven. The way Simons dead body moved out towards the open sea is very heavenly. When Simon sees the Lord of the Flies for the first time, Golding saysEven if he shut his eyes, the sows head still remained like an after-imageThey assured Simon that everything was a bad business.It is as if Simon is getting a vision from God the sows head demonstrated how the hunt has got out of control. God is warning him that what is happening on the island cannot be accepted. After this has happened it is ironic that Simon is killed for being mistaken for the beast. The message given to him was right the hunti ng on the island had become a bad business. The difference between the two books is that Frankenstein is a man of science and Simon is a man of spirit. In Frankenstein it is science against religion, where as in Lord of the Flies the human need to prevail is put against society.Another character from Lord of the Flies who can be compared to Frankenstein is Jack. It is clear from the start that Jack will potentially be a threat from his appearance. He has red hair which signifies a fiery temper, and red is also used for warning signs, which tell danger. Both Jack and Frankenstein become obsessive about certain things. Frankenstein becomes preoccupy with creating the creature and Jack lets hunting become his obsession. Jack begins to bring up hunting in most conversations, he saidAll the same- in the forest. I mean when youre hunting.He is the first to suggest that the choir form a group called the hunters and he is always the first to lead them out into the forest to go on a hunt he insists to the other boys that meat is important. Jack becomes excited by droppings that steamed he bends down to them as though he loved them. This is clearly not natural doings and these are definite signs that his obsession with hunting has gone too far.Frankenstein gets so engrossed with his work that he forgets about his family. He, like Jack, becomes disturbingly infatuated with his roll as he does many inhumane thingsHecollected bones from charnel- houses and disturbed, withprofane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame.The word profane is important because it illustrates the way he shows offense for religion. In Lord of the Flies the other religion could be classed as Ralphs tribe. Jack does not consider the welfare of these boys and he becomes so obsessed with hunting that he forgets both his morals and the fact that the boys need to be rescued. While Jack is hunting The madness came into his eyes again. He has the urge to kill and his obsession has got so far out of control he is losing his sanity.However, these two characters are also very different because Jack has a cruel nature he picks on the weaker boys. Piggy is usually his victim he singles him out for the way he looks, he says, shut up fatty and you fat slug. He smacked Piggys head and he is also very sarcastic towards himWe mustnt let anything happen to Piggy, must we?His character is also very fierce this becomes apparent from the language used. The way he slashed, slammed and snatched shows he is destructive. He acts like this so that the other boys become afraid of him and do not challenge his views he feels powerful and dominant. He gains respect from the other boys by behaving like thisJack looked round for understanding and found only respect.He regains the power which he lost from not being voted chief by behaving in this way, and he also feels he has control over the other boys. The boys do not always agree with him, they just followed him obediently because they a re afraid of him.Jack is also like the creature because they both show their darker sides after being isolated. Jack believes he has the qualities to be leader because he can sing C sharp. When Ralph is voted leader, Jack immediately becomes isolated, and tension occurs between them as he constantly challenges Ralph to be leader.The creature becomes isolated because he is not socially accepted, as he looks different. His treacherous side shows as his level of intelligence increases. He begins to feel rage and revenge towards Frankenstein, in the same way Jack feels for Ralph. The creature says thatI declared ever-lasting war against the species, and more than all,against him who had formed me.The language used here is very strong he shows feelings of hate towards Frankenstein because he enrolled him into a world of misery. Jack and the creature both develop feelings of hatred towards the ones who have ostracised them.Some of the course used to describe Jack and Frankenstein are ani malistic. When Jack is hunting it is like he almost becomes an animal, he sniffs the air and comes trotting back. When Frankenstein gets angry he gnashed his teeth and tail ending them together. They do mot appear human as they are stripped of human characteristics such as conscience and morality. This suggests that they have evil natures.These evil natures can also be shown by the inhumane killings that occur in both books. Lord of the Flies and Frankenstein both feature violence, death and murder. In Frankenstein the creature becomes completely demoralized like Jack and Roger, the murders they commit are brutal, but the reader is more sympathetic for the creature because he has never been loved and however desperately he tried to find a friend he was always rejected. The boys in Lord of the Flies have been loved and brought up in a religious manner, so they have no excuse to kill.The boys deconstruction of their reality mirrors the creatures construction of reality. This can be shown when Simon is brutally torn apart, where as the monster is pieced together. Simon can also be related to the creature because he has a problem, which he cannot do anything about. Simon is epileptic and the creature is ugly and 8 foot tall. These are problems, which can stop them from being like other people.In Frankenstein the style in which the book is written is totally different than that of Lord of the Flies. There are three concentric layers, one within the other. The outer layer, which is the shortest, is Robert Waltons letters to his sister describing his voyage to the North Pole. In the succeeding(prenominal) layer Frankenstein tells the story of how he created the monster and how he abandoned it in disgust. In the third layer the creature describes the struggle he has trying to fit in. There are also multiple storytellers in Frankenstein. In Lord of the Flies the book has a linear narrative as it reads from beginning to end, it is narrated unaccompanied by the autho r.As Frankenstein is a gothic horror book, the murders do not come as much of a surprise to the reader, where as Lord of the Flies features innocent, young school boys committing brutal murders. So the shock value in Lord of the Flies is greater and indeed more horrific than that in Frankenstein. The books are also both written in a way so that the reader looses track of time. Many phrases are used in the text to imply that a lot of time has passed, like Two years had now nearly elapsed and Six years had elapsed. This reflects the insanity that develops in the characters.In Lord of the Flies there is a system of hierarchy, as there is only one place at the top Jack and Ralph constantly strife to be the highest so that they have power over the other boys. These boys are underneath Jack and Ralph in the hierarchy so they are not as powerful they are, this is why they follow one of them. Piggy is one of the weaker boys at the bottom this is why he is victimised. In Frankenstein there is no system of hierarchy, everyone in the text is considered as equal.In both books there is a office staff reversal. In Lord of the Flies Ralph goes from being leader to an outcast who is left to survive on his own. Jacks hunting tribe eventually over powers Ralphs tribe who want to be rescued. This shows the immaturity of the boys as they forget their priorities. The role reversal in Frankenstein occurs between Frankenstein and the creature. Frankenstein has power over the creature while he is creating him, but when he disowns him he is left to do what he likes. He becomes more powerful than Frankenstein (and indeed any human being) because of his sheer stature and his increased level of intelligence. Frankenstein is aware of the fact that he does not have any morals as he killed innocent children. The creature realises thisYou are my creator, but I am your master obeyRole reversals are used in the text to show that the goodness in a person does not always win.I have already dis cussed thematic issues within characterisation, but the main theme in both books is about the darkness of Mans disposition. The evil side of man, which is inherent in everybody, can be brought out in different situations. The two books show this in different ways. Frankenstein involves an adult world confronted with many scientific changes. Lord of the Flies shows a world all populated by children who struggle to survive. However, in both books the same message is delivered the notion of society breaks down when there is nothing to uphold it. This is explored through the themes of isolation, difference, anger, rivalry and obsession.While the boys on the island are unwillingly taken out of society structure and the creature is forcefully thrust into it, the result is the same- the hidden darkness of mans soul is revealed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

British Columbia

British Columbia is Canadas western border province. At its north be Yukon and the Northwest Territories sequence its northwesterly border is the U.S. State of Alaska.On its eastern border is another province, Alberta, and on the southern border are the U.S. States of Washington, Idaho, and Montana. It is the third largest province in Canada and encompasses 9.5 percent of the countrys total land area, which makes it around four times the size of Great Britain or more than twice as large as Japan. (Information on BC, 2006, par. 1)Physical geographyTopography. British Columbia boasts of great mountains. Its highest peak is Fairweather Mountain which is 4,663 meters high and its lowest is Hallam Peak which is just 3,205 meters high. (Statistics Canada, 2002) Vol pukeoes also abound in British Columbia although most are dormant. The largest of the seventeen volcanoes is Ruby Mountain and the smallest is called Mount Garibaldi.Water Forms. The Fraser River is one of the most important means of transportation in British Columbia because it directly flows to the Pacific sea nest. The provinces Columbia River is the location of 14 hydroelectric dams which is a major power source for its population. Other rivers that lead to the Pacific Ocean are Skeena and Kootenay while the Peace River drains toward the Arctic Ocean. British Columbia is also the host of many large natural lakes including the Babine, Atlin, Kootenay, Ootsa and Okanagan. (British Columbia, 2007, p. 1)Climate. The climate in British Columbia can vary depending on the areas location from the Pacific Ocean and the mountain ranges but the province is known for its mild temperature. Snow rarely go on the coast even during winter but the interior lands can experience very cold temperatures and snow between the months of November to March.The warmest days in summer can be experienced in the interior lands, most especially in the south with temperatures that can go further than 30C while the coast enjoys a temperature range of about 22 to 28C. (Climate and Weather, n.d., par. 1-4)Government and MunicipalitiesBritish Columbia espouses the parliamentary form of government headed by a Lieutenant Governor establish by the Canadian Governor-General. However, executive power truly emanates from the Premier who comes from the legislature branch because it is the position that appoints 20 ministers to the cabinet that maintains and makes the policies for the province.British Columbia has athe Legislative Assembly (unicameral legislature) which has 79 elected members with five-year terms. British Columbia is also represented by 36 members in Canadas House of Commons and has 6 senators all of whom are appointed by the Governor-General.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Great Charlemagne

There was relatively little commerce in Western Europe. Roads, bridges, and the infrastructure generally were non-existent. Furthermore, the countryside was unsafe for travel due to a lack of organized law enforcement. Small villages had to take care of themselves in that respectfore, manufacturing was carried on only to the extent that was infallible to supply local needs.In the little kingdoms or principalities, the lands over which a King ruled were regarded as no different from former(a) property. Among the Franks, all discussions were entitled to a share. Therefore, when a King died, each son became a King over his hold little kingdom. Thus, many political units became small so there were no uniform laws or policies. This lack of unity made them vulnerable to enemies as well as conflict from within. Bullough points kayoed that the loyalty of a warrior or subject to his chosen leader was non a light matter. The author does non contrast that concept of loyalty however, wi th our present ideas of loyalty to the homeland or institution.The apprenticeship of a King describes how Charlemagne gained power through conquering and diplomacy. In 768, King Pippin died and his kingdom was divided mingled with his two sons. Charles, the elder, and the jr. was Carloman. The author says that little is k directn of Charles boyhood. When he was of the right age, it is recorded that he worked thirstily at riding and hunting. It was the custom of the Franks to ride and be practiced in the practice session of arms and slipway of hunting.We may reasonably infer that acquiring these skills formed a major part of his early education. Charles was non a man of letters and the author makes no attempt at explaining this opposite than to point out that literacy was considered unimportant at that time for anyone other than the clergy and Charles didnt become interested in letters until subsequently in life. Bullough explains a number of experiences in public duties and responsibilities, which were assigned to Charles by his father, thus, giving him an apprenticeship to rule the kingdom.For about reason tension between Charles and his brother began shortly after their accession. The author explains a number of conflicts. The younger brother died however, at the end of 771 and a number of prominent people in his kingdom offered loyalty to Charles. Bullough names and explains those subjects. The result was the re-uniting of those territories, which helped to establish the kingdom of the Franks. The author describes in detail the military conquests of Charlemagne. The text includes maps of the territories and battlefields. It is verbalise that to some areas, Charles may have come as a liberator from the infidel yoke, but to many other peoples who bordered his dominions, Christian and Non-Christian alike, he was an oppressive enemy, like so many others before and after.In 880, pontiff social lion III called on Charles for assistance when he faced charges of simony, perjury, and adultery. Charles acted with careful deliberation when dealing with this matter. Charles was asked to command over the Popes hearing. He did so, and Leo was cleared of all charges. Two days later, Leo placed a crown on Charles head and proclaimed him Holy Roman Emperor. This gave Charles the Devine Right to overtop according to the Roman Church.The author does not infer from any of this information. Personally, it seems that Charlemagne united an empire by conquest and ruled by the authority of the Pope. Bullough does not suggest that during this time the government and the church became so intervened that there were true(a)ly one and the same.Having conquered an empire and established the Devine Right to Rule, Charles then, according to Bullough, began to establish some accordance within the empire. The ancient concept of public order had not been entirely destroyed by the violation of barbarians within the empire. But, as law and order became w eaker, its place was partly taken by the Churchmens Nations of tranquility and right order. The author explains how Charles established a system of courts to see that justice was done to all acquit disputants and to protect widows and orphans. The author does not state any conclusions as to the results of the establishment of a uniform sanctioned system.Although Charles was not literate, he seems to have placed value in education. Bullough credits him with a revival of erudition or a Carolingian Renaissance. Charlemagne saw that education was in serious decline. So he gathered together at his court some of the finest minds of his day. He also sponsored monasteries where ancient books were preserved and copied. He reformed the palace school and saw that monastic schools were set up throughout the realm. The idea of learning was given a time and a place to flourish.The Carolingian Renaissance was an isolated phenomenon. Learning did not catch fire throughout Europe. Only in the r oyal court and monasteries was there any real focus on education. Yet because of Charles interest in preserving and reviving knowledge, a wealth of ancient manuscripts was copied for in store(predicate) generations. Just as important, a tradition of learning was established in European monastic communities. These monasteries helped to batter the threat of the extinction of Latin culture.The Carolingian handwriting that evolved during Charlemagnes reign was developed to increase the discernability of the numerous manuscripts the monks turned out at this time. These small letters, known as Carolingian Miniscule became the tush of the lower case letters we use today. Ninety percent of the works of ancient Rome now in existence are preserved in the form of manuscripts copied in a Carolingian Monastery.Bullough devotes frequently time to the areas on art and architecture during the Carolingian period. Included are photographs of buildings, which are standing, and in use today. There are also ground plan drawings of buildings and samples of other works of art. Being closely align with the church, it is not surprising that the major examples of Carolingian architecture are churches and Biblical illustrations make up much(prenominal) of the art. These are not the only works. There are also many secular works, such as Charles and his Warriors.Bullough tries to separate legend from reality. It seems that while Charles attempted to rekindle an interest in learning and unite sundry(a) groups into one nation, he never addressed the economic difficulties that Europe faced now that Rome no longer furnished order. Although Charlemagne did devise the system of pounds, shillings and pence used throughout Europe during the middle ages and in Britain until recently, other segments of the infrastructure continued to decline. Roads and bridges fell into decay, trade was fractured, and manufacturing was by necessity a localise craft instead of a widespread and profitable ind ustry. But these are only failures if Charlemagnes determination was to rebuild the Roman Empire. It is doubtful, however, that that was his motive. Charles was a Frankish Warrior King with the background and traditions of Germanic peoples. He probably succeeded in his goals.Charlemagne treated his empire as his personal property and divided his realm among his sons. Either he failed to progress to that only with unity could the empire become a true power, or he placed his own wished, and those of his sons, above the decisions that would best serve the empire.The book is a good source for specific information. It is not a book that I would suggest reading for plea authoritative. Bullough gives facts and sources but does not stimulate thought. I am sure this book would be great if the reader had considerable knowledge of history. The author makes few direct connections or speculations as to why Charlemagne made certain decisions and took certain actions or the long-term effects of his actions. The author infers roughly of the conclusions included in this paper in a vague way. At times, I found myself fumble for conclusions as to why certain actions were taken. This book provides the reader with hard facts about the Middle Ages in Europe. It does not allow the reader to draw many theories as to the ideas and feelings of the people.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Genetics of Obesity Essay

According to the WHO (2010), childhood corpulency is one of the most serious public wellness challenges of the 21st century. Globally, in 2010 the number of over tip children under the age of 5 is estimated to be over 42 million (WHO, 2010). Obesity can be defined in a number of ways, e.g. by cosmos means, BMI and waist circumference (Odgen, 2012). And according to Kleiser et al (2009), obesity may have several short-term consequences (e.g. loving discrimination, lower quality of life, increased cardiovascular risk factors, diseases like asthma) and long-term consequences were obesity is likely to quell into adulthood, were individuals atomic number 18 more likely to develop noncommunicable diseases e.g. diabetes and cardiovascular disease at a lots younger age. It is due to this that a great body of look into within health psychology has think on not only the consequences of obesity but also understanding the causes of obesity, both catching and environmental this is what t his essay will explore. GeneticsThere have been several theories put forward by research to best explain the causes obesity and one major potential causes is genetic science. Maffeis et al (1998) found that obesity in parents was the strongest predictor of childhood obesity, regard lesser of diet or level of exercise. Furthermore recent research has found support for this claim. Moreover, Wardle et al., (2001, 2006) reported that, controlling for other environmental factors, children with obese parents preferred fatty foods, had less liking for vegetables, were more likely to overeat had a higher preference for sedentary activities than did children of normal tilt parents. This is further strengthened by more recent research by Kleiser et al (2009) who found that the strongest determining factor of obesity was obesity in parents.Despite the evidence for this relationship, Odgen (2012) states that parents and children not only share genetic character but also share very akin(pr edicate) environments, therefore this relationship between child and paternal obesity could be contributed to either factor. However, according to Barlow (2013) twin studies have also have clearly demonst tramp a genetic influence on body slant, therefore strengthening the argument for the role of genetics in obesity. For instance studies have found 25 40 % of BMI is heritable and identical duplicate raised apart have been found to have a correlation of .7,only slightly lower than that of twins raised together (Stunkard et al, 1990). Moreover adoption studies have also provided evidence for a genetic percentage in obesity, Skunkard (1986) found a strong relationship between the weight class of the adoptee and their biological parents and interestingly found no relationship with their adoptee parents weight class.Research has also stated that factors such as metabolic rate (Bouchard, 1990) and appetite regulation may also have a role to play in causing obesity. Research in ter ms of metabolic rate has suggested a low resting metabolic rate is a risk factor for weight gain (Tataranni, 2003), but in fact there is little research to support this. In particular there is no evidence to suggest that overweight community tend to have slightly higher metabolic rates than thin people of a similar height (Garrow, 1987 Odgen, 2012). A genetic predisposition may also be related to appetite control. For instance, the baring of leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, and other hormones that inuence appetite, satiety, and fat distribution provides insight into metabolic mechanisms for physiological risk of obesity (Maes et al, 1997 Gale et al, 2004).Research, although seen to be in its infancy has yielded support, e.g. Farooqi et al (1999) injected 2 participants daily with leptin, which resulted in decreased food uptake and weight loss at a rate of 1-2kg per month. According to Odgen (2012) there is strong evidence for a genetic basis to obesity, but it is how this genetic bia s expresses itself that remains unclear, due to the fact research on lower metabolic rate has been widely refuted and the genetics of appetite control remain in its infancy. Furthermore, genetic studies are not without their criticisms. For instance small sample size, zygosity needs to be confirmed and again the role of environmental factors cannot be ignored.Behaviour & Environmental factorsTherefore in light of the above criticisms research has begun to more fully examine the extent to which an individuals behaviour and/or environment can influence the learning of obesity. As Barlow (2013) states that at a population level, the increase in prevalence is too rapid to be explained by a genetic shift rather, it must result from changes in eating and physical activity behaviours that have shifted. A recent study by Kileser (2009) found independently of other factors, a commanding association was observedbetween obesity and low SES, migration background (up to age 13), parental over weight, high weight gain during pregnancy (when the mother is of normal weight), maternal smoking during pregnancy, high birth weight, and high media consumption, as well as a negative association with sleep duration for 3- to 10-year olds.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cadburys Business Assignment Essay

The rail line that I feed chosen to is Cadburys I fork out chosen to use the return go forth it is a well knows product that many people know and love, I have chosen this product because it has a very round-eyed range of target audience and Cadburys is a well known argument so information lead be sluttish to access and to gather. The record of the headache is simple it is to provide sugary treats to the humankind the main(prenominal) target audience I would say would be children I would say from the ages of 4 onwards, the customers would be each one that likes chocolate they have a wide range of products such a cream crackpot this would assembling to a greater extent to children than adults I would say as they adverts and the angle of the marketing addresses to childrens humour and to the temper of the commercial side of the work were as the product such a a dairy milk bar would appeal to a wider range of people such as adults as its simple and has very little child like qualities. The art brings out smart products quite often so this would kind on the companies reputation and would excessively athletic supporter its sales figures as new products appeal to the customers curious nature as if a new product comes out that is advertised well, exit work out you want to providevas it and see what it is like, as Cadburys have a wide range of products there is pretty much a product for every one so the target audience is vast.Because of its large product range it will have more customers and because it has been around a long time this would mean that allot of people would have known rough it and there for the audience and the people that buy the product will be greater than new channeles or newer creasees such as extragalactic nebula. The occupancy Cadburys has existed since 1842 this shows the public that the business is a reli adapted and give worthy business and obviously has a good range of products. Cadburys was founded almost 200 years agone and was opened by john Cadburys on bull street in Birmingham in 1824, he started of by make drinking chocolate then expanded by making chocolate and other products. Cadburys is a plc so it is a private limited caller so this means it has public shares so the public would be involved in the business. The business is not based anywhere anymore but has business every were and this would make it a world wide company.The main competitors would be businesses such as galaxy and nesquik and other chocolate and sweat manufactures. My companies unified aims would be to be adapted to make a profound profit and be able to keep the business running at a high standard. The verifiables of the business would be to be making separate of good prize chocolate and to be al tracks be improving the quality of the chocolate and the recipes, other quarrys would be to make their business fully fair conduct as this would help the reputation of the business. Another objective would be to expand the business to have lots of stores world wide to increase the popularity of the business, doing this the business would privation to make sure that they will be able to survive the market and make it an on going business.To create chocolate that appeals to all ages of the audience they do this by making sure that all of their ingredients are all at a high quality standard this includes fair trade products this would make their products more appealable to their target audience. Due to the nature of the business i think that they should cover some of the gaps such as creating more new products and possibly placing more Cadburys shop around the less populated scopes around the country. I also feel as if Cadburys aims and objective are to do with the cream egg are easy and do able and make them friendly to smaller areas and smaller businesses such as corner shops.I have chosen Cadburys Cream orchis for my product that I am researching throughout my assignments, I have chose n this product as it is a noticed and a very well known brand and this product has been out for a piece of music so there would be information to follow up on and to research about, this will be helpful with completing my assignments that I have been given, I have managed to find out allot about this business and this product so I am pleased with my decision. I am going to be finding out about the general aims and objectives for my chosen product that the business has coiffure, I will also be discovering the SMART rule and I will be providing the basis for my marketing plan. I will be introducing this by using sections of the brief to make my plan, also researching the business. Cadburys used to be a family business and was running smoothly until the company went bankrupt in march 2010, since this Cadbury was acquired by kraft Foods in marching 2010.Kraft foods is an American based company that specializes in food such as chocolate and beverages. Kraft foods is a exceedingly goo d business earning around 1 billion dollars each year, and sells to over one hundred seventy different countries. Kraft foods is a public limited company. An aim is where the business wants to go in the future, its goals. It is a statement of purpose, e.g. we want to grow the business. A business aim is the goal a business wants to give. A primary aim for all business organizations is to add value and in the private sector this involves making a profit. More strategic aims include expansion, market leadership and brand building.A business o Objectives within an organization are established at a number of levels from top level corporate objectives, down to team objectives and individual objectives that create a framework for operational activities. These are often translated into targets which help to motivate staff in reaching short-term goals. Objectives therefore provide a clear coordinate for all of the various activities that an organization carries out. By measuring how well an objective has or has not been achieved, managers can make necessary changes to their activities to ensure progress and achievement of the stated objectives are made within the timescale allocated objective is a detailed picture of a step you plan to take in order to achieve a stated aim. A way to create this would to use the SMART rule.. Specific clear and easy to understand. mensural i.e. able to be quantified.doable possible to be attained. living not pie in the flip out.Time bound associated with a peculiar(prenominal) time periodFor example.The aims of Cadburys are1. Improving farmer incomes by helping farms to increase their yields and produce top quality beans.2. Introducing new sources of rural income through microfinance and business support to kick start new rural businesses and introduce additional income streams such as ripening other crops. Developing communities by helping them meet their own goals and improve rural life. For example, by funding health thro ugh building wells for clean, safe water education, through schools and libraries and the environment through bio-diversity projects.4. workings in partnership a pioneering model led from the grass roots. Farmers, governments, NGOs and international agencies work together to locate how the funding is spent and work with local organizations to turn plans into action.Cadbury is an international company that make, market and sell soap brands chocolate. Cadbury have achieved this effectively for over 200 years. The reason they are so successful is because they have a apparent and a clear understanding of the requirements and needs of their consumers, customers and other stakeholders. SMART stands for ..SpecificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTimedSmart means objectives- they break up the aim into small do able tasks to make the job easier and achievable. Specific Objectives should specify what they want to achieve, For example a patrician drinks company may want to achieve 3% market s hare in 12 months. Measurable You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not to continue to run your business in a organised and professional manor, for example a market share over 12 months means that each month market share targets can be measured against a specific goal. Achievable Are the objectives you decline, achievable to be able to carry on your business plan, an example for this would be over a period of time such as one year 12 months you need to be able to know does the company have the resources, man power and finances to achieve the goal. Realistic Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have such as space finance and staff and equipment, and does the company need more time than 1 mouths to get to the standard that the owner want.Time- this would mean when you want to set a time for the objectives and aims that you have set yourself and the marketing there need to be a get a line and able to make it specific and achievable, such as some business set a 12 month business plan to achieve these goals. Marketing objectives should be based on understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and the business environment you operate in. They should also be linked to your overall business strategy for example if the business id doing well and the sales increase by 15% in the last year then you should set a business plan that will help boost encourage the market sales throw out for example leading out a new product or different advertize to appeal more the customers. This should follow the SMART rules.For Cadburys cream egg i would need to use SMART to make my business plan specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed, for example mine would be to boost market sales by 20% in 6 months by April 1st, i will do this by creating a new angle for the cream egg and make the advertising the product in a new way and maybe reshaping the product, for example such as Kelloggs Special K they reinvented this product by advertising it so it would be a new slimming product it was targeted at women middle aged women as these area of people are the most likely to buy the product, this was effective and is now a top marketer cereal. This is Realistic as i will have the eight resources and the finances to do this goal, this objective will be finished in 6 months time on the 1st of April 2012.