
Friday, November 8, 2019

Jada Garrison Essays (180 words) - Discrimination, Behavior, Abuse

Jada Garrison Essays (180 words) - Discrimination, Behavior, Abuse Jada Garrison The Daily Progress Charlottesville, VA 22901 To the Editor, As crime is on the rise in America, hate crimes have made quit an uproar, as you were closely effected by one. In 2016, it was recorded that hate crimes rates were up 20 percent compared to past years. These hate crimes are driving our country right down past paths with separation and hatred. As a student in an American Politics course, I feel hate crimes, also known as "biased crimes", and politics have a very apparent connection. There can be many other explanations for one to carry out a hate crime, but most are based on a personal point of view or opinion on a subject. Many believe that the up-rise in hate crimes can correlate with this past election. When Trump took office, some say that it gave some groups courage to be more publicly active. I feel to resolve some of these outbreaks contact with Governor Terry McAuliffe is needed. It would be most helpful for them to work with peers and find fair grounds. Best, Jada Garrison

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